Spending Personalities
Understanding how your spending habits evolved, as well as identifying your values and spending personality, will help you become a better saver and smarter spender; it may also change your self-esteem. Typically, saving as little as $1 a day amounts to $7 a week, $30 a month and $365 a year! Realizing your ability to save bolsters your confidence, your self-control and your ability to obtain your goals, which improves your quality of life.
Take a moment to review these Spending Personality icons. Try to identify which characterizes the way you spend money. You may choose more than one. Click the image for a brief definition of the spender and get information on how to modify your spending behavior.
Impulse Spending
Buys items without planning purchases and often buys things that are not needed.
Passive Spenders
Hates shopping and usually buys items without comparing prices or asking questions.
Avoidance Spenders
Shops to avoid/escape dealing with everyday stresses.
Fanatical Spenders
So busy looking for discounts, but failing to realize all the time and energy (and gas money) used “bargain hunting” defeats the purpose.
Utilitarian Spender
Shops only to fulfill needs (not wants).